NASP supports equitable participation and equal opportunity in all business dealings. Part of NASP’s objectives is to foster the inclusion and development of a wide range of professional men and women, and the growth of businesses they control, within the financial services industry. In order to pursue progressive and balanced policies affecting public and private finance, NASP maintains an active agenda around public affairs and regulation.
NASP has hosted its Annual Legislative Symposium in September in Washington, D.C. Key financial oversight representatives and decision-makers from congressional committees, federal and regulatory agencies and quasi-public private sector entities participate in this event. Among others, past speakers include Timothy Massad, Former Assistant Secretary for Financial Stability, U.S. Department of the Treasury; Michael Strautmanis, Deputy Assistant to the President and Counselor for Strategic Engagement to Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett, The White House; Roel Campos, Commissioner, The U.S. Securities and Exchange; Congresswoman Maxine Waters; Congressman Gregory Meeks; Sandra Thompson, Deputy Director, Division of Housing Mission and Goals, FHFA; Don Graves, Deputy Assistant Secretary, U.S. Department of the Treasury; and Timothy D. Hauser, Associate Solicitor, Division of Plan Benefits Security, US Department of Labor.
Going Forward we will revisit the structure of and frequency of this type of collaborative program in efforts to increase impact, expand engagement from aligned organizations and support our legislative allies focused on economic growth and broader community inclusion.
An essential component of NASP’s mission is to serve as a voice for its members at the federal, state, and local levels of government to advance a wide range of perspectives and inclusion. According to a 2017 GAO report, there were over $70 trillion of assets under the control of governments, endowments, companies, and other institutions that were managed by third-party investment professionals. While asset management firms owned by a wide range of professionals and women made up 8.6% of this sector, they only managed 1.1% of all assets under management. As of the latest data, firms owned by a wide range of professionals in the U.S. control only around 1.4% of the total assets under management, translating to about $1.2 trillion out of an $82 trillion industry. Despite some gains over recent years, this number remains disproportionately low compared to the broad demographics of the general population. The performance of firms owned by a wide range of professionals has been shown to match that of their non-diverse peers, suggesting that factors such as incumbency and long-standing relationships, rather than performance issues, may limit these firms’ access to capital. The decision-making around which firms manage these assets has a far-reaching impact across the economy related to job creation, growth, and wealth building. Too few firms owned by a wide range of professionals have a seat at the table in this process.
Challenges contributing to this disparity include the preference of many large asset allocators for familiar, larger firms and the limited availability of data on ownership representation within firms, which complicates efforts to identify and support a wide range of professionals in asset management. Continued efforts by industry stakeholders and policymakers aim to address these structural barriers and encourage broader representation in the asset management sector.
Advocacy can take the form of influencing legislation and trying to shape policies and regulation. It can also serve as a powerful tool in urging policy makers to push private sector and other entities to change their practices.
NASP has worked closely with elected leaders throughout the country to encourage them to help create more opportunities for financial services firms owned by a wide range of professionals with large anchor institutions. Often times, letters, appearances before Congress, and other inquiries asking about business diversity can prompt these entities to review how they conduct their business. The mere asking of questions DOES indeed make a difference in accelerating the behavior change in some of these large enterprises.
Some of the questions that help assess how serious and committed an enterprise is to inclusion efforts for companies owned by a wide range of professionals are the following that NASP recommends:
There are many elected officials who have shown strong leadership in trying to advocate for greater business diversity by posing these types of questions to various enterprises. Here are some examples that NASP applauds.
Senate Cory Booker (D-NJ) writes the CEOs of Kroger’s and Albertsons related to their proposed merger
Congresswoman Robin Kelly (D-IL) writes to the largest federal contractors seeking information about their utilization of professional services companies owned by a wide range of professionals as part of their business spending.
What can be done to address this gap and increase opportunities for a wide range of securities professionals?
will take place VIRTUALLY September 22 – 24, 2021!
Please click here to see our 2020 VIRTUAL Conference Program Guide