CCL research report: Elevate the System to Elevate Women Leaders

CCL research report: Elevate the System to Elevate Women Leaders


Address These 5 Challenges to Elevate Women at Your Organization

Scientific evidence supports the wide-ranging benefits of high levels of inclusion and equity for women, yet we still find ourselves emphasizing the need to elevate women in the workplace and beyond.

It’s time to change the systems that hinder progress.

This report analyzes 5 key challenges we must overcome in order to elevate women and support full inclusion and equity:

  1. The struggle to get more women into senior roles, despite increased focus and investment on women in leadership
  2. The additional obstacles women face on the path to leadership
  3. How women’s innate leadership strengths can lead them to burn out at a faster rate
  4. Women’s reluctance to ask for the challenging job assignments and increased exposure that propel careers forward
  5. The systemic barriers that hold women back

Find out what’s beneath the surface of these challenges and the actionable steps you can take to elevate women at your organization to drive greater innovation and productivity by downloading our research report.

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