A centralized hub of thought leadership research on the current landscape within financial services and an incubator for the creation of research supporting Foundations, Higher Education Institutions and Employers:
A medium to support the holistic career and leadership development of emerging and experienced professionals and increase executive representation across the financial services sector.
A gateway to entrepreneurship and development for experienced professionals preparing to develop and incubate new businesses in financial services:
The NASP Institute is a 501 (c ) 3 initiative within the NASP Foundation. Contributions to the Institute are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
For more information about the Institute, please contact Abigail Cordaro, Director of Programs and Communications, at acordaro@nasphq.org.
The NASP Institute (TNI)* is a robust educational forum exclusively for members of the pension plan, foundation, and endowment community. The specific courses are designed to serve a wide range of skill levels and are in an instructional style format. In partnership with PFM Asset Management LLC, NASP is pleased to offer six (6) Finance CPE Credits for participation in The NASP Institute.
* Trustees and Plan Sponsor staff only
Advanced preparation is not necessary. Attendees must currently serve as Trustees or Staff to an Institutional Fund or Family Office. Program levels are Intermediate and Advanced and are presented in a group-live format.
Professional Development Series (PDS) features intensive hands-on learning experiences for early-mid-career and wealth management professionals. The sessions are designed to teach effective strategies to build leadership, communication and critical thinking skills as well as gain insight on emerging trends and business strategies.