Business development opportunities through NASP’s extensive network of investment professionals, institutional service providers/advisors, government officials, asset allocators and international sponsors.
Active advocacy on legislative policies, industry regulations and agency staffing appointments to reduce barriers to inclusion and drive broader representation in industry decision making.
Professional development and career navigation resources, mentoring and coaching.
Unique pool of talented and experienced professionals across many areas of the financial services industry.
Engagement with a wide range of communities at the high school and college levels, introducing this talent to opportunities within financial services and strengthening the value chain for talent development.
Members are eligible for discounts and priority access on select NASP programs and events.
NASP is a great way to connect with industry leaders, develop and strengthen business relationships, and access resources for professional and business development. NASP comprises a wide range of professionals, including experienced individuals as well as those in early career stages, representing various sectors within the financial services industry. Stay abreast of the changing landscape through insightful discussions with leaders at large companies and emerging firms, network with investment staff, including CIOs, and other decision-makers, such as trustees and elected officials.
You will have access to events hosted by NASP’s local chapters with forums for highlighting your expertise and brand, expanding networks for business development, and engaging to help demonstrate and drive the economic impact of inclusion. Through its national office and local chapters, NASP hosts over 10 events annually, offering members discounted rates to our conferences and events. In addition to workshops and panels, NASP’s Financial Services Conference is one of the industry’s most respected and influential education forums, providing opportunities to build and strengthen important business relationships and learn from peers and industry leaders.
Membership also includes exclusive access to resources, including Career Postings, business opportunities, industry announcements, White Papers, and more.
Through our national office and local chapters, NASP hosts over 10 events annually. NASP members receive discounted rates to conferences and events, providing opportunities to build and strengthen important business relationships and learn from peers and industry leaders. If you’re seeking an organization that advocates for your success and business growth, look to NASP!
NASP is actively engaged in monitoring, collaborating, and advocating for US legislative and stakeholder initiatives to advance our mission and promote fair and balanced policies for inclusion in all aspects of the securities industry. Key financial oversight representatives and decision-makers from congressional committees, federal regulatory agencies, and quasi-public private sector entities have participated in our Legislative Symposium in Washington, DC.
Professional development is essential in today’s competitive business environment. Through your NASP membership, you will have opportunities to improve your skill set and become a greater asset. NASP is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. This new benefit allows NASP members to earn CPE credits for attending year-round programming, including in-person conferences and virtual webinars. Plan sponsor trustees and investment staff will continue to earn CPE Credits during the NASP Institute at the Annual Pension and Financial Services Conference. Additional tracks of programming for the full conference, subject to approval, will now be permitted to count towards CPE credit issuance as well.
NASP has established FAST Track, a program that enhances high school students’ financial literacy and exposes them to careers on Wall Street. NASP also collaborates with aligned organizations to connect our membership with college students and facilitate networking, career discussions, internships, and full-time job opportunities. Contribute your insight and help build the future pipeline of a wide range of financial services professionals.